EQUALITY is an NGO offering individual support programmes and assistance to vulnerable migrants, minors and young adults, sex workers, people at risk of human trafficking and severe exploitation and victims of trafficking in human beings. The general objective is to facilitate access to rights and equal opportunities to its clients.
It runs a shelter for unaccompanied minors, minors victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation, minors who committed juvenile penalties and are remanded in custody, and vulnerable minors and young adults. The general objective is to support social, educational and work inclusion programs oriented to the young beneficiaries individual autonomy.
Within the frame of the National Anti-trafficking Action Plan, Equality has played a role as one the main implementing entity of the Anti-trafficking Project in Veneto Region offering protection to P/VoTs and severe exploitation who are willing to withdraw from the control of criminal organizations, offering safe shelters, legal protection, rehabilitation programmes and support to social and labour inclusion. Within the project Equality provides mobile outreach units services, socio-health accompany services to public hospitals and surgeries, focusing on Sexually Transmitted Infections prevention and on health care and wellness promotion, assessment and identification of Vots and a shelter for minor VoTs.
Equality also manages empowerment, educational and social inclusion projects for migrants and people living in marginalization in a spirit of cooperation with other organizations having the same purposes both nationally and internationally. Firmly believing in the importance of raising awareness activities, it carries out actions aimed at combating educational poverty, as well as specific training in secondary schools for students, teachers, and families on gender-based violence, human trafficking and servere exploitation, human rights defence. It is also engaged in training, dissemination, study and research, and social urban regeneration and enhancement of the territory projects.