
Equality Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, founded in Padova in 2008, builds upon the extensive experience of Associazione Mimosa, established in 1996. Both organizations are dedicated to supporting victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation, with Equality focusing on offering services and Associazione Mimosa providing volunteer support for operative activities.

Mission and Vision

Equality was established to serve the general interest of the community by promoting human dignity and social integration. The organization pays special attention to individuals involved in prostitution, victims of human trafficking for sexual or labor exploitation, and vulnerable minors and young adults.

Services and Activities

Mobile Outreach Unit

Equality operates a Mobile Outreach Unit that reaches out to people forced into street prostitution in Vicenza, Padua, and Treviso. This unit provides preventive health care services to sex workers and trafficking victims, aiming to bring exploitation to light. The unit also offers socio-health accompaniment services to public hospitals and clinics, focusing on preventing sexually transmitted infections and protecting individuals.

Residential Hosting Services

Equality runs residential hosting services for unaccompanied minors, minors who are victims of trafficking, those who have committed juvenile offenses, and other vulnerable minors. The primary goal is to support social, educational, and work inclusion programs that foster individual autonomy.

Awareness and Education

In collaboration with local authorities, Equality has always emphasized raising awareness about human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and gender violence among secondary school students in Veneto. The aim is to provide students with a space for thoughtful consideration of gender violence, its manifestations, recognition, and prevention.

Social Mediation

Equality also employs a social mediation team to implement social inclusion projects in urban areas at risk, further enhancing community cohesion and support for vulnerable populations.

Organizational Structure

Equality Cooperativa Sociale Onlus is entirely financed by public institutions. The organization is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of six members, including the President and five area coordinators, all of whom also hold working roles within the cooperative. The operational team includes five operators and two trainees.

Impact and Reach

  • Shelter Housing: Can host up to 8 guests, including victims of trafficking, unaccompanied minors, and minors removed from their homes for protection.
  • Mobile Outreach Unit: Reaches approximately 800 individuals annually across Padua, Vicenza, and Treviso, and assists about 370 people with hospital and clinic visits.
  • Awareness Programs: Engage around 300 students each year in awareness-raising activities.

Areas of Intervention

Contact Area

This area focuses on women, men, and transgender individuals involved in street prostitution, with special attention to migrants and victims of sexual exploitation. The primary objective is to facilitate access to healthcare services and prevent sexually transmitted diseases while mapping the phenomenon in the territory. The Mobile Outreach Unit plays a crucial role in this effort, operating with a dedicated team of professionals and volunteers.

Shelter Housing Area

Equality manages “Mimosa,” an educational residential hosting service for minors. This service offers personalized educational programs run by a team of social operators in collaboration with local social services. The goal is to promote social, school, and work inclusion, aiming for personal autonomy or family reunification. The targeted groups include:

  • Minors separated from their families and placed in shelter houses for protection.
  • Unaccompanied foreign minors seeking integration in Italy.
  • Victims of human trafficking and exploitation in social protection programs.
  • Minors with pending criminal and penal processes.

Communication Area

This area engages institutions and the general public, especially local public administration representatives, training agencies, police authorities, social representatives, and private social organizations. The objective is to foster active citizenship by promoting understanding of migration phenomena, social integration, solidarity, peaceful coexistence, and human rights. Activities include:

  • Awareness-raising with secondary school students.
  • Training workshops on gender violence for socio-sanitary operators and police forces.
  • Organization of public meetings.
  • Conflict mediation services in the territory.

Equality Cooperativa Sociale Onlus is a beacon of hope and support for those affected by human trafficking and social marginalization. Through its comprehensive services and collaborative approach, it continues to make a significant impact on the lives of many, promoting social justice, health, and human dignity.